Marsh Hill, Erdington, Birmingham B23 7HY | Telephone: 0121 464 2920

Year 5

5U - Mrs Ul-haq    5C - Mr Chikandwa

Teaching Assistants: Miss Baxter and Miss Campbell

Welcome to Year 5's class page. We are eager to work together as a partnership with you and to support all children so they can reach their full potential. Please feel free to discuss any concerns you may have throughout the year. We’re always happy to help.

Core subjects

Our day begins with reading, where children will be exploring a wide range of text types as a whole class. We will spend time discussing new vocabulary and exploring a range of themes within texts. During writing lessons, children have the opportunity to read new engaging texts to help us continue to be amazing writers.  In maths, we will be building upon prior knowledge and securing our understanding of prior learning.

Foundation subjects

During the afternoons, children will participate in a range of lessons including RE, PE, art and design, science, computing, Spanish, PSHE, design and technology, history and geography. Children will be given opportunities to experience extra-curricular visits and workshops throughout the year that will enhance foundation lessons and hopefully bring learning to life. We will be exploring South America and identifying its countries using maps. In art we are learning about street art and finding out all about a Colombian street artist, Stinkfish.

Important information

Homework and new reading books are sent home every Friday and need to be returned by the following Wednesday. Homework is based upon work children have been learning in school that week and we actively encourage children to complete their homework in order to consolidate their understanding. Please support your children by practising spellings, listening to them read often and offering guidance with homework tasks.

Multiplication and Division Facts

Year 5 will continue to work hard practising their times tables. Children are expected to know all times tables facts up to 12 x 12. It will be useful if children could continue to practise their tables at home. Please see below for links to useful websites that will help support your child. Each child has a login to 'TT rockstars' where they can learn and have fun at the same time!